A blog dedicated to my life and times in the Rheinland-Pfalz, with a personal touch and other thoughts and criticisms.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Finding out

I wanted the inception to be something grand - I wanted to make a statement of purpose, and really put on the bells and whistles. But then that adds so much pressure, and really sets a tone that I'm not sure if I want to exist yet. So I've reconsidered, and decided to go with simple, almost in medias res, and see how everything shakes out from there.

Went to Saarbrucken yesterday with Mikaela, and had a pretty nice time shopping for clothes. Found some good stuff, and along with another pair of jeans that I bought today, and one or two pairs of shoes that I hope to buy later in the week, I think I'll be caught up on clothes again for another 2-3 years. It was different back in the days when I would scavenge and raid thrift stores weekly, and I found some sensational things back then. But, like with so many other instances I find in my daily life anymore, there's a point where I have to be a little bit more adult, and that means buying new clothes, from reputable stores, in shopping malls. Maybe one day I'll return to a wardrobe of band t-shirts and second-hand Dickies. Maybe I'll be able to survive a night of more than 6 drinks some day again, too, but after New Year's, I have to wonder if that boat has sailed as well.

Finished a pretty sensational book in less than a day, The Psychopath Test, by Jon Ronson. I have a theory that the best non-fiction books are written by journalists, and that theory is certainly strengthened by this latest book. Unfortunately, on finishing it, I realized that I was now well underway on that particular new year's resolution, but seriously negligent on my other, which led me here. I started a post the other night, but it was bloated and ridiculous two sentences in. Like I said earlier, maybe I'll come back to some more grandiose thoughts, but for now it just feels much more comfortable to chatter away about books and shopping.

Regarding this somewhat as a record of my life, I guess I'll include a few other details so that I can reminisce when I revisit this at a later date. I'm making Shake n' Bake chicken tonight, for the first time in quite a while, actually. I used to make it a lot when we lived in Kentucky, and then got out of the habit, and for good reason, since it's just a bunch of packaged sodium, really. But, it's convenient, and I won't make it a habit or anything. Been listening to a burned cd of Phoenix in the car, and I'm already getting bored and ready for something new. Picked up a Coldplay cd for free at the library, and I might check it out, even though I feel like I'm just keeping it from someone else who may really love Coldplay, whereas I grabbed it more to either confirm whatever negative impression I have of them or only slightly challenge it before it slips away into ignorance again. Still need to dismantle the holidays around here, and do some more in-depth cleaning, but I've been feeling kind of lazy lately, and I'm sure the busy nature of tutoring is going to soon again rear its ugly head, and then I'll regret not doing more sooner.

Guh, this is more like a diary than a blog. Or is that what a blog really is supposed to be? Maybe since I'm not including anything else of any real substance, that's all it's going to be. Ok, check out the book that I mentioned, and the new episode of Sherlock that just aired on BBC - it won't air in the US for god knows how long, and marvel at how inferior American tv is, like I do. I woke up this morning with a song by Caveman in my head, but I was really getting into The Fawn by the Sea and Cake the other day as well.

Ok, that's all.

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