A blog dedicated to my life and times in the Rheinland-Pfalz, with a personal touch and other thoughts and criticisms.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Peak of Freshness

Busy, busy day of tutoring, from 1-9pm. Could not seem to drag myself out of bed this morning, either. It reminded me of when I used to be super-depressed, but I must say that is not at all the case anymore, so I'll just chalk it up to my bed being ridiculously comfortable, and me being on the far side of lazy.

Everything's been overwhelmingly great lately, and I attribute almost all of that to having started this tutoring gig. I remember when my mom first suggested it to me, I was skeptical that it would lead to much, but it's been a really steady source of money, and probably the most rewarding work I've ever done in my life. In a larger sense, it's cemented my intentions to be a teacher, because it's re-introduced that feeling of making a difference in someone's understanding of a subject that comes so easily to me. I mean, after taking that course online a while back, I know that there's more to teaching than that, and I'm looking forward to all of the rest of it, too, but for the time being, tutoring has brought me a lot of what I enjoy about the endeavor.

I'll have a decent amount tomorrow, too, but not as much, and I'm anticipating getting to spend a little bit of time with the love of my life before I have to be anywhere. I'm also looking forward to running out to McDonald's for lunch, as crazy as that sounds. German fast food blows everything else out of the water, and that goes for the Golden Arches as well. They have a revolving menu of special sandwiches, and I can't wait to try the new one that I saw the other day - a hamburger with three sausages and sauerkraut and chili ketchup on top. And I'll probably get something for Mikaela, too, I guess, but I'm pretty selfish on this one. Probably need to straighten up the kitchen at some point as well, so I can fix dinner tomorrow night.

Getting through the Pearl Jam 20 book, which is pretty massive, but I doubt I'll get that far through it, in much the same way that I dropped out of listening to their music after a while. I never started disliking them or anything, but I just got to a point where my music collection was much more focused on indie rock, and I guess Pearl Jam just didn't fit that as much anymore. Oh well. After that is a book on Atlantis and then I'll try to get into the large number of paperbacks that we've collected since we've lived here.

I never know how to properly end these things.

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